Obviously We need to address the political part of the Libre.
#### Meta-part of our act of taking the stage,
We often find ourselves shy and awkward as an individual to speak for the group. While we understand the reality of the group that can't speak as one voice, hence our proposal for a polyphonic presentation. As a group we need to let emissaries represent ourselves outside of PPP realms. Starting from our
→ Sooo: Our talk stems in Jo Freeman’s essay
shared lecture of Jo Freeman essay : ‘ The Tyranny of Structurelessness ‘, Our
proposal sprout from Freeman’s intake. You have to give responsibilities to
members, let them embrace it, and as group review their work accordingly.
Duly, we in our pluralities, acted on our decision to write an
‘open’-manifesto. Bearing in mind this naive task:» How does one define one’s
territory without establishing close borders, nurturing a friendly hosting
culture ? The task is for group of wanderer to pick a direction, a movement,
to mapped their environment. (terrain[@vivien]).
«Meta part 2 : Writing on Pads, Manifesto&PPPresentation
The pad work-flow. What it allows ? What it facilitates ? or Is it a Burden?
Personnaly I don’t like it. I don’t like this already online, shared, place.
Writing to me is personnal, intimate, then I decide when it gets public. Here it feels like an obligation, without a choice. It is already public. I don’t understand the pad space, idk where to write. It feels too cacophonic to me. So I’m writing on my Local computer, off line, and then yank it all in.
I’m thinking that this publicity, might be an issue, to let ppl speaks-write in a public space : the pad.
You feel observed, even alone. You feel observed in your mistakes. Writing and thinking in a pad, ciselé&taillé se fait dans la précipitation de peur que quelqu’un·e nous lise avant qu’on soit satisfait. La politique est une affaire publique, mais qui demande une certaine preuve de foi lorsqu’on partage son pdv. Est ce que le pad est idéal pour écrire sur de la politique ? Mh pas sûr. Déjà je crois que toustes, nous sommes frileux à l’idée d’affirmer un point de vu, surtout à l’écrit sans le flottement que permet l’oral, l’écrit c’est inscrit, pour la postérité. Donc écrire directement de la politique dans un espace bien que numérique, publique demande beaucoup de confiance en soi. Writing in a public pad about politic It’s a dare
→ especially when you don’t intimately know all the pppl that could read you.
==I find the pad not ergonomic.==
Lorusso, Usager/Utilisateur, Service, plateforme,
autonomie, indépendance, aservissement/service